Entertainment - A predominant part of our life


Films, music, sports, amusement parks, water parks, zoos, museums, cosplay conventions, circuses, magic shows…. What are these? Some things which we enjoy? These are places we visit or things we do which keep us from getting bored. They keep us happy. Entertained is another word which we can describe for what these things do. Dictionary.com states that ‘Something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, especially a performance of some kind’ is called Entertainment.

Entertainment is a very important and crucial part of our human life. It brings human beings together and is also a remarkable way for the entire family to the tie-in and close up the space between them if they have any. Without entertainment, we do not have any refreshments in our life. It plays a very pivotal role in living a normal and happy life. Entertainment brings happiness, which is the most powerful medicine that helps to keep our mental health and well-being. Entertaining ourself every now and then helps us drown the monotony of our daily lives. Entertaining ourself doesn’t only mean to watch movies or TV shows, going out for a quick stroll with someone special (may be a pet) is also considered entertainment, unless you do that every day and are bored of it. Traveling or going on a vacation is also considered as a form of entertainment.

Having a little entertainment in our life teaches us lots of thing (important life lessons which we only get when we experience things). It teaches us to look at things differently. What I mean, is that, it opens and stretches the way we think, gives us a wider view to expand our perspective and think out of the box. Sometimes, it even, gives us a chance to slip out of reality and go into our own fantasy. It does... And I can say it with credence because I have been a victim of this, where reality just fades away as I seep into the imaginary world. Entertainment also reduces stress form work pressure, it enhances our mental health for the better, and it makes us appreciate the artistic culture. Many people have had great influences from entertainment. It makes us dream higher and much more than what we were doing before. We can seek new goals and achieve them. Thus, entertainment has the power of giving us a new horizon and it gives us a chance of knowing ourself better. We discover parts of ourself which we never knew we had. It pushes us to our limits.

But on the other hand, entertainment has its downsides too. For example, you will agree with me that casinos employ thousands of workers yearly. Just imagine a situation whereby all casinos take a nosedive and are suddenly closed. Thousands will lose their jobs. So entertainment can also affect the employment and jobs of people round the world. Much entertainment has desensitized intimate scenes, murder and violence. Let alone the fact that it has second-guessed integrity, spiritual and moral values. Left alone, it would rob the next generation of any fundamental values.

          However, all is not lost.  The ability to pass on the baton of character, and integrity is within our control. We can still do our part to enrich the future! Entertainment is not all what life is about. We should be able to balance the part of entertainment and the part where we should be focused in the betterment of our life. But all said and done, entertainment is a paramount part of our life and should be that way for us to stay mentally healthy and stress free in our life.


  1. Replies
    1. Kudos to the author who seems to have done a lot of research on the subject, theoretical and practical as well. The author had rightly espoused the theme of a balance between the fantasy of entertainment and the factuality of real life. In the present day frenetic life, the essentiality of entertainment as an effective de-stressing agent can't be over-stressed. In those 'good old days', entertainment was naturally provided by mother NATURE in a beautiful, albeit simple, way, while now we struggle to make it very complex with excessive embellishment, sometimes contributing to more stress, paradoxically. Like happiness, entertainment is a state of mind -- rubbish to one and ruby to another.


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