The Coast


        One step onto the glistening golden sand was all it took for me to feel utterly overwhelmed. Excitement and enthusiasm was radiating from the people round the coast, but that just faded away, into the background when my eyes caught a glimpse of the picturesque view presented in front of me. Far across the distance was a flock of seagulls, squealing from time to time, as the monotonous, gentle yet remarkable tides splatter against the sand that now sparkled like millions of crystals, leaving behind a trail of its mark - Froth. It was then when I felt at home, a haven that's built just for me. 

        While taking in the exceptional sight, I spotted the residence of a few friendly-looking seals as they lay on the boulders being 10 feet long. Those spotted black seals just lay still bathing in the days' last rays of the sun, as the goosebumps giving cool evening sea breeze lightly kissed it. Then there's the artistic purplish-pink horizon in the distance where it seems as though the sky and the sea are one, connected, as the orb of light slowly disappears, threatening to unleash darkness over us. I took it all in, one last time, as a hint of sadness brushed over me before I headed back to reality, knowing that my paradise over here was short-lived. 

"You understand your place in it, and you feel an incredible love for everyone and everything, and you're just sublimely happy, and then you're suddenly jolted back to reality, and you've got to deal with the world as it is" - Larkin Grimm 


  1. “The Coast” makes the readers raising their glasses in “A Toast” to the ‘Blue Mask Jolting’ blogger, with the background of golden waves splashing on the silvery sand; black shiny seals seriously watching; squealing seagulls hovering above; mesmerizing mix of sea and sky continuously changing their hues; tranquil explosion of silence; breeze and birds rendering music; sinking of feet into soft sand dunes; sedating smell of the sea; What else the readers want in the paradise into which the blogger literally navigated them through the minimalistic writing with a maximal effect, loaded with the distilled beauty of nature ? At the end, the blogger had drawn the curtains to spell a gloom, but if it is a full moon day (night), the entire ambience would transform seamlessly into another world of excitement and exuberance. I would request the blogger to give us a glimpse into that SUNless scenario. Anyway, the sadness painted by the darkness would be just washed away in 12 hours when the dawn paints its own glory and gorgeousness with more vigour and vitality. Dusk and dawn, and in between on either side a lot of exaltation. Even the darkness is energizing and beautiful. How to thank the SUN for the light and shade ! Light is not appreciable without shade, it would be flat like curd rice without salt or ‘noodles’ without ‘masala’. Fortunately for the future generations the SUN is estimated to be ‘alive’ for about another 5 billion years when it runs out of the Hydrogen fuel. It has already been there for the past 4.5 billion years. Sadly, the life on the EARTH would come to an end in about one billion years, though the earth may be there ‘dead’ for some more billions of years, according to the current estimates. Well, we need not worry about that as we have plenty of time ahead of us, filled with SUNshine, to look forward to. Let’s think positively about the dark nights and enjoy life ! -- Dr. T. Rama Prasad, Perundurai, India.


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