The mindset of a winner


There are many people in this very era who have failed miserably, yet have shined later in their life.

 Let us take bill gates for instance. He was a school dropout. He failed in numerous exams but his friends passed in all. Now, Bill Gates is the owner of Microsoft and his friends its employees.

Do you know that J.K Rowling, the author of the mind-blowing ‘Harry Potter’ series, has also faced failures before becoming successful?  In the beginning, she was penniless. She survived in this materialistic world on government welfare. Her ‘Harry Potter’ manuscript was rejected 12 times. But emerging from this failure stronger than before and more indomitable was the reason for her success. Now she is the number 1 author throughout the world and her books are up to date loved by everyone. So failure is success if we learn from it.

The people who are popular throughout the world are only successful because they are having the correct mindset. The mindset in general means ‘a person's way of thinking and their opinion’.

A person can either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. A person with a fixed mindset tends to believe that their qualities are fixed traits and they, therefore, cannot change. On the other hand, a person with a growth mindset smarter in life and they keep progressing and then one day they become successful in life; like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and J.K Rowling.

You need to have a growth mindset if you want to shine in your life. Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University, was the one to introduce these ideas. She also wrote a book to describe each mindset in more detail. The book is named ‘Mindset’. Such books can refine and transforms people from losers to achievers .A much read I should say.

Now introspecting my life, I had a negative mindset which encouraged me to believe that I was the biggest loser in our class, a no good in anything when my parents shifted me from a suburb school to the present school. My parent’s encouragement and morale boosters went on deaf ears and I strongly believed that I could never make it to the toppers list, unlike my previous school. Whenever my teacher gave me a responsibility, I was scared to take it, so I always said: “No no no no no I am not ready to take the responsibility yet”. But things changed from the better to best. Why? Because my parents had somehow managed to change my fixed mindset to a growth mindset. How did I know that? The word ‘yet’ which I used in all my negative sentences prove it- “I can’t do it yet. I don’t know how to do it yet. I am not good at it yet.”. ‘Yet’ was the word which made me confident that I could nail it and hit the charts someday in the future. Now I am progressing for the better and I dream to be one of the most successful ladies in the whole world.

Growth mindset helps us form the belief that we are 100% capable of accomplishing any major goal no matter whether it's building a new skill, learning a new language, or breaking a bad habit. We can develop a growth mindset or a mindset of a winner by acknowledging our weaknesses, viewing challenges as opportunities, knowing your learning style and use the right learning strategy, remembering that the brain has the ability to change throughout life, prioritizing learning over seeking approvals, focusing on the process instead of the end result, cultivating a sense of purpose, choosing to learn well over learning fast, rewarding efforts and actions and not traits, learning to give and receive constructive criticism, knowing that need for improvement does not mean failure, reflecting on our learning daily, learning from others mistakes, thinking that learning is a brain training, cultivating grit, setting a new goal for everyone we accomplish and remembering that it takes time to learn. 

There is a winner amongst each and every one of us. We just have to find it with the help of the right mindset; growth mindset or shall we can call it ‘The mindset of a winner’?

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